Every year hundreds of thousands of people in Tulsa receive social security benefits as outlined by the Social Security Administration (SSA). To receive social security benefits, your medical condition must fit SSA’s definition of disability. You must have contributed to the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for you to receive SSDI benefits. It should also be evident that you have stopped working due to your disability. Applying for social security benefits in Tulsa entails a lot of work. Only 3.2% of Oklahoma’s population receives social security benefits. The SSA rejects around 60% of all social security disability claims. 

The Help of Social Security Disability Lawyer

You can give yourself a higher chance of winning a disability claim by working with a disability lawyer. A lawyer will provide you with all the assistance you need, including helping you to fill out and submit all the necessary documents. A lawyer will help you acquire all the necessary medical documentation and serve as your official representation during the disability hearing. 

Do Not Go It Alone

The majority of the people who opt to try their luck by filing a social security disability claim just end up being denied. After getting the rejection letter, you will only have sixty days to file an appeal for reconsideration. If you have applied for social security benefits and failed, you should now more than ever seek the assistance of a lawyer. Statistics show that appeals are denied 90% of the time. Working through a disability lawyer gives you the best chance of being approved for disability benefits. 

Choose a Lawyer with a History of Success

When choosing a social security disability lawyer in Tulsa, you should ensure that you choose an attorney with a proven history of success. Inquire about the lawyer’s overall claim approval rate. How many claims has the lawyer had approved at the initial stage, hearing level, or during an appeal? A reliable lawyer should understand the ins and outs of the Social Security Administration’s rules and regulations. The best lawyer to work with is the one who has been through the claim process with other clients. They know how to handle social disability claims and the challenges they are likely to encounter in the process. 

A reliable lawyer will be willing to provide you with a clear picture of his or her track record, including the approval rates. 

Your Lawyer Should Be Available and Dedicated

You should seek the help of a lawyer who understands the importance of your claim for social security benefits. The lawyer should be available to give your case the necessary focus for success. You need the assurance that the lawyer will be available through the entire claim process, no matter how complicated the social security disability claim gets. 

Get Help For Your Social Security Claim 

Legal representation is not a requirement while filing a social security claim. However, it is advisable to consult a disability lawyer before you even start the application for benefits. A reliable social security lawyer will advise you on the best strategies in your case and help you know how to proceed. The Social Security Law Center provides reliable legal assistance to social security disability benefits applicants in Tulsa.