Cooperative Disability Investigation Unit

What in the world is a cooperative disability  investigation unit? Well, sometimes when a person is filing for disability, or SSA is questioning  whether you are still disabled, they will hire someone to check. That person will introduce themselves as an official that...

Are Social Security Benefits Exempt From Collection?

The short answer is yes – maybe. If you owe someone money and they get a judgment against you in court then they will try to collect that judgement.  They do that by attacking your income and resources. Yikes, you already have barely enough to get by on and now...

Cost of Living Adjustment

January 2019 saw a 2.8% cost of living adjustment. Whether you receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, your payment will increase by 2.8%.  For those receiving SSI, this results in a new maximum monthly...

Assistive Devices

It is not uncommon to see someone with a disability using an assistive device to aide them in standing and/or walking. Assistive devises come in all shapes and sizes. Claimants regularly come into Social Security Law Center with their canes, walkers, crutches, and...