A disability is the inability to work or being unable to work as you have in the past. You must have a qualifying disability to access the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits in Tulsa. The review process of determining the eligible applicants is extremely thorough. When applying for social security benefits, it is important to ensure that your application is completed correctly. If you are not sure whether you meet the eligibility criteria, it is advisable to contact an attorney. An attorney will answer any questions you have and explain the options available for your unique situation.

Tulsa SSDI and SSI Benefits 

The Federal Government administers both SSDI and SSI through the Social Security Administration (SSA). Both the SSDI and SSI have the same medical requirements for eligibility. What is considered a disability under SSDI also qualifies under SSI. The difference between the programs is that SSDI is an insurance benefit while SSI is a safety net for low-income earners or people with no income.

For a person to qualify for SSDI benefits, he/she must have paid enough money into the insurance plan. The contributions are made through payroll taxes paid by an employed or self-employed individual. 

The SSI benefits, also known as Title XVI, are available to low-income earners or people with no income. Unlike the SSDI program, applicants for SSI benefits are not required to have worked or contributed social security taxes.  

Qualifying for Social Security Benefits

A person may qualify for Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits if they can no longer work or perform a significant gainful activity because of their disability. A disability could be a physical or mental impairment that is expected to last for at least 12 months or lead to death. Disability also includes blindness. 

While deciding whether an applicant is disabled, the Social Security Administration may use the following physical and mental conditions as qualifiers: Cancer, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Diverticulitis, heart surgery, back surgery, degenerative heart disease, congestive or chronic heart failure, Stroke, Autoimmune disease, COPD, and others. 

When Your Social Security Application is Denied

Most social security applications are initially denied. In Oklahoma, around 66.1% of all first-time applications are denied. If your initial application does not go through, you will have 60 days to appeal or apply for reconsideration. You will need an experienced attorney to take you through the process. The chances of having your application approved after appeal will depend on the quality of your evidence and your understanding of the appeal process.

Required Evidence

The best evidence when applying for social security benefits is your medical reports. Administrative Law Judges place a lot of emphasis on the physician’s report. The court also relies on the past tests that you have undergone in the course of your treatment. The testimony from your family and friends will also be taken into consideration.  

If you need an attorney specializing in social security in Tulsa, contact the Social Security Law Center. Our attorneys have extensive experience in helping clients obtain social security benefits.