What Qualifies You For Disability in Oklahoma?

In a utopian world, everyone with a disabling mental or physical condition would access disability benefits with minimal or no challenges. Sadly, we live in a world where denied disability applications are common.

You’d be surprised to learn that 70% of qualified disability benefits applicants are turned down on their first attempt. Many of these rejections applications are blamed on application errors, such as incomplete or incorrectly filled documents, failing to provide medical records, and missing deadlines.

If you suffer a disabling condition that prevents you from working, you could be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Being eligible for disability benefits is one thing but receiving them is a different ball game. Fortunately, our lawyers at the social security center in Oklahoma can help.

Eligibility for Social Security Benefits in Oklahoma

We can offer free legal counsel to improve your chances of qualifying for disability benefits. First, applicants must meet the SSA’s definition of disability to qualify for these benefits. All cases are different, so eligibility is case-based.

Minimum requirements must be fulfilled regardless of your case. Here are the two main requirements to be eligible for disability benefits in Oklahoma:

  • A physical or mental impairment that prevents you from working, and
  • The impairment should be “terminal”, or
  • The impairment should persist for 12 months or more.

Common medical conditions that may be eligible for SSDI benefits include:

  • Crohn’s disease
  • Blindness
  • Heart ailments
  • Paralysis and stroke
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Broken limbs that won’t heal after 12 months
  • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, among others

We Can Help When Your Claim is Denied

Many SSDI benefits application denials are attributed to applicants’ medical examination results. Your application will likely be rejected in the following instances:

  • Your impairment isn’t terminal or won’t last more than 12 months.
  • Considering your age, the impairment isn’t severe enough to significantly impact your working ability.
  • Failing to furnish the Social Security Administration with sufficient medical evidence to adequately review your application.

The SSA can also reject an application based on the following:

  • The applicant’s income exceeds the allowed limit
  • The applicant hasn’t worked enough to have become insured
  • Failing to provide the relevant or required information
  • Application errors

Your Claim Been Denied? We Can Help!

The SSDI application and appeals processes can be quite frustrating when you go it alone. The truth is that your social security disability application will likely be initially denied if you go it alone. There are over 2.5 million SSDI applications in the U.S. annually and the majority of them are declined. So, what are the chances of success without legal help?… Minimal.

Our Lawyers Can Help

Our skilled and experienced lawyers at the Social Security Center in Oklahoma are familiar with the system. That said, they will assist you to prepare your application and ensure you beat the submission deadline. Contact the Social Security Law Center to help with your social security benefits application or appeal.