Basic Overview of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in Oklahoma

The Social Security Administration makes monthly disability payments under two separate programs. These programs include Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). This article focuses on the basic overview of SSI and the differences between SSI and SSDI.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a payment to employees (and their surviving spouses or children) who have social security coverage. Supplementary Security Income (SSI), on the other hand, is a payment to people who earn a meager income and have minimal resources. But, this group of people has not worked for the duration needed to qualify for regular Social Security benefits.

Who is eligible for SSI or SSDI?

You can qualify for SSDI and SSI if you have a mental and physical impairment that hinders you from work for at least 12 months, or your physical or mental impairments may lead to your death. Like adults, children who qualify for coverage need to have mental or physical impairments. These disabilities should be such that they hinder these children from doing things expected of children their age.

What information do you need to apply for SSI or SSDI?

Applying for SSI or SSDI isn’t an easy task. There’s a lot of legal jargon to comprehend, a lot of paperwork to address, and simple mistakes that could lead to claim denial. If you plan to apply for SSDI or SSI, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a social security lawyer who can help you navigate this process seamlessly and avoid mistakes that could derail your SSDI or SSI claim. To file any of these claims, you need the following:

  • Social Security number
  • Proof of medical records from medical practitioners, agencies, etc.
  • Laboratory tests and results
  • Names and addresses, phone numbers, and faxes of your mentioned medical practitioners
  • Income Tax Return
  • Medication you’re taking
  • Names of your employers and your job descriptions for the past 15 years
  • In case of a child, proof of school records demonstrating the child’s disabilities

If you’re denied either your SSI or SSDI benefits, you have a period of 60 to 65 days (from the receipt of your denial letter) to file an appeal. Even though a social worker or a relative may help you file your claim, that’s about the most they can do. It would be best if you considered hiring the services of a lawyer.

Do I need SSI or SSDI lawyer?

As mentioned earlier, Social Security Administration is associated with many complicated processes and laws. You need an experienced lawyer who can help you navigate these processes safely. Here are other reasons you need a good lawyer when filing an SSI or SSDI claim. 

  • Foremost, has experience with the nature of these claims: before, during, and after the hearing process
  • Will file your appeal on time
  • Is skilled to collect the relevant medical evidence
  • Your social security lawyer will help you submit essential forms such as the SSA-561 and HA-501
  • Whatever stage you’re at with the process, a social security lawyer will offer immediate help 
  • your attorney will represent you at the hearing 
  • Even when denied your SSI, a social security attorney will guide you on what needs to be done so that you can get your benefits
  • Some attorneys won’t even charge a fee until after you receive your benefits

It’s essential that you understand that many claims are denied at the initial stage, or the hearing process can drag on. You’ll find that social security disability insurance claims and supplementary security income claims are tedious, but not for your social security lawyer. So, having an experienced lawyer on your side increases the chances of getting your social security benefits.